Tag: Christian

CategoriesInspired Messages
What is most important to the Christian Church?
What is most important to the Christian Church? What is most important to your Church? Is it the programs? Is … Read MoreWhat is most important to the Christian Church?

CategoriesInspired Messages
Why be Christian?
Why be Christian? If all religions teach basically the same thing, you know, love your neighbor and all that, what … Read MoreWhy be Christian?

CategoriesInspired Messages
I stand on the Cross
I stand on the Cross. It seems that every few days or weeks we hear of some so called “Rights” … Read MoreI stand on the Cross

CategoriesInspired Messages
Hearing God
Hearing God, what does that mean anyway? Many times, in my writing or in talking with people I say things … Read MoreHearing God

CategoriesInspired Messages
Why Jesus?
Why Jesus? There is a movement in some churches today, to be inclusive. To be open to all opinions. A … Read MoreWhy Jesus?